How AI is Augmenting the Craft: The Ethical Renaissance of Writing

At, we are obsessed with enabling our customers who are insurance claim experts with effective case summary writing. For example, when an accident happens and reports get submitted to the claim departments, our customers need to quickly summarize how the accident happened, who were
involved and what injuries were sustained.

Summary writing in expert situations such as in claim is a complex task. First it involves research – The average claim professional spends 4 – 5 hours a day reading 500+ pages of documents. Second it involves critical thinking and problem solving – they use their knowledge of the industry to identify what
constitutes a severe claim or whether there is fraud and abuse in the case. Next they have to identify appropriate intervention and mitigation strategies – around claim handling and reserving. Lastly they need to generate effective summaries for communication with several pieces of key information.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought transformative changes across various industries. This obsession got us to exploring the topic of writing in greater detail. We took a step back and interviewed writers and editors. We asked – “How has writing changed in the world of AI”.

Some interesting quotes : “While the quill may be mightier than the sword, no one uses the quill today but has been replaced by “Chat-GPT”.” “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on its way to becoming a powerful ally in the hands of writers.” “Within AI-generated writing, ethical issues are emerging at a tremendous pace.”
Are we opening ourselves to an exciting future where AI might be able to complete the very essence of human communication?

The Rise of the AI Author: AI-Generated Writing is Revolutionizing Content Creation

Democratizing Creativity: Empowering New Voices

Most people are afraid that AI will replace writers. However, in reality, AI writing can be a blessing to those who have had difficulty expressing their ideas creatively. In an ideal world, AI tools should be used to assist with grammar, structure and ways of coping with writer’s block. This is a way for new voices, those with no experience in formal writing styles, to get into the world of writing. It does not have to be so; AI makes it possible.
“Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.”-Ginni Rometty, CEO of IBM.

Those who have challenges in writing or are limited by language can rely on AI for self-expression. For example, text-to-speech software can be used by individuals with dyslexia to facilitate their communication while translation tools can help bridge this gap. In the world of insurance summary writing, we are already seeing the advantages of using “transcription technology” to convert voice recordings to text and then analyzing them for summary generation or providing input to the summary of the case.

Boosting Creativity: The Human Touch in the Age of AI Writing

Artificial intelligence is transforming the creative landscape. Today, however, it is capable of being a powerful coauthor and providing outlines, alternative phrases suggestions and even participating in brainstorming sessions. This frees human writers to concentrate on what makes their works special: matchless inventiveness; emotional richness; and subtle viewpoints only derived from humanity. AI can be a launching point for ideas but it’s the human touch that infuses the soul, humor, tear-jerking moments or realizations of understanding that touch readers. In this era of AI-powered writing, people are still irreplaceable; and the tools that were initially meant to supplement them enhance its

We can certainly imagine a world in claims where we input the key facts and out comes a well written output which is an easy read. No one mandated that complex thoughts cannot be well written.

Shattering Stereotypes with AI: A More Inclusive Future

The historical presence of bias in writing can no longer be ignored. But here is where things take a fantastic turn: we can train AI upon diversified datasets until they become an antidote against prejudice. Envision an AI system which stands up as a champion for inclusivity by actively breaking down stereotypes and promoting language use that encompasses all identities. This defines good Al – an enabling engine that gives authors power to construct stories about what it means to be human in different situations, free from the constraints of past prejudices. The future of writing is not just about efficiency, but about fostering empathy and understanding through AI-powered inclusivity.

Transparency and Attribution: A New Hallmark of Quality
Plagiarism has been one of the major anxieties surrounding AI writing. This can however be seen as an opportunity to set up new benchmarks regarding transparency. By openly acknowledging that AI co- exists with human authorship, we may develop more evolved understandings about creative processes. Picture a time when readers cherish this human touch guiding the output drive by AI thereby appreciating how successfully it merges creativity with intelligence.

Combating Bias: A Catalyst for Fairer Communication
Big data and societal biases have contributed to training bias within AI models. Yet this realization marks a beginning towards an inclusive tomorrow in writing. We can teach them how to tell fairer stories if we consciously expose AI writing tools to diverse and just source materials instead of feeding them with
biased information in their training datasets. Instead of past biases in our literature, we could train AI by feeding it diverse databases. Imagine having an AI system that fights against stereotypes and encourages inclusive language!
In the world of insurance that translates to a thoughtful approach – knowing enough English (from diverse sources) and enough insurance industry terms and concepts which can only be learnt from a model that has been appropriately trained.

Collaboration Over Competition

Instead of putting writers out of work, AI is there to support. AI is like a tireless researcher, fact checker and grammarian who enables us to concentrate on the actual core components of good writing – storytelling and delivering our message.

The Future of Storytelling: A Symphony of Man and Machine
Writing originates from our ability as humans to imagine things, feel for others and connect them together. These qualities cannot be reproduced by artificial intelligence but can rather serve as the powerful means of enhancing these attributes.
”This next generation of AI will reshape every software category and every business, including our own. Although this new era promises great opportunity, it demands even greater responsibility from companies like ours.”- Satya NadellaCEO at Microsoft, 2023

Picture a future where human authors work closely with AI aides in order to create more complex narratives, explore different perspectives and go deeper into humanity. Thus, the future will witness a renaissance in storytelling where artificial intelligence assists humans in being creative.
“It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.” – Colin Angle, CEO and Founder of iRobot

AI writing software has come to change the game but as it is said, with great power comes great responsibility (and exciting possibilities!). AI Writing has unquestionable ethical implications. By approaching them proactively and cooperatively we can tap into a new era for written communication. AI can help break down barriers, lift human expression and usher in a golden age of storytelling based on the limitless possibility that only art can offer us again.

Insurance industries will benefit a lot in the coming years from responsible use of AI.





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